One of the stated objectives of the Native Rhythms Festival is to promote awareness and understanding of the cultures of the various Indigenous Peoples of the Americas. We provide this page as a home to videos that support that objective. 


Native American History and Culture

o  EAST MEETS WESTHomes, Cooking, and the Trading Post
o  EAST MEETS WESTPottery, Fishing, and Weaving/Basketry
o  EAST MEETS WESTToys, Knapping, and Fire Starting
o  EAST MEETS WESTTomahawks & Knives, Jewelry, and Farming/Food

Crafts & Skills

Nature & the Environment

Jim Sawgrass & Martin Olvera Present

East Meets West

Episode 1: Homes, Cooking, and the Trading Post

Episode 2: Pottery, Fishing, and Weaving/Basketry

Episode 3: Toys, Knapping, and Fire Starting

Episode 4: Tomahawks & Knives, Jewelry, and Farming/Food

Episode 5: Weapons

Joyce Bugaiski Teaches Making a Rawhide Rattle

Click here to view or download the list of materials and directions
Click here to view or download the rattle pattern